Torsion is a kinetic light sculpture inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s concept of vector equilibrium, Synergetics (1960). Vector Equilibrium, represented by the cuboctahedron, is a visual analogy of the vacuums fluctuation and alternation between matter and energy. The cuboctahedron is a geodesic form in which all radial vectors and circumferential vectors are equal in length, with energy emanating from the centre in 12 fundamental directions. It has the same surface area of a sphere but appears to have no volume, representing the stable state of energetic interchange where nuclear tendencies to implosion and explosion are always in exact balance. Using the mathematical formula of Vector Equilibrium Torsion is constructed from two transparent Perspex cuboctahedrons. Each formed from 6 triangles and 8 squares of equal length edges covered in a black vinyl. A diffused light is fixed in the centre of each causing the internal structure of the cuboctahedron, engraved as transparent lines on the circumference, to be projected outwards. The linear structure turns into 25 perfect circles of light when projected into space. Torsion is a scalar wave that describes the flow of an energy field around an object. The two cuboctahedron in Torsion are controlled by gears and motors to rotate at alternating speeds in opposing directions to one another, the light emitted from these rotations create the dynamic fusion of the opposing lines of energy experienced in the torsion field.